If I can spread the message and change somebody’s life, I have to do it

Only two weeks remain until the premier of Living Proof!

I have watched this film four times in preparation to Matt Embry’s visit, and I could watch it at least as many times more. Every time I learn something new. Every time I get a new answer. And absolutely every time I feel inspired.

It is worth it.

It is worth it to set aside a few hours, to watch the film, to get acquainted with its characters, and finally, to meet Matt Embry in person.

I would like to reiterate what I have already said: this film is not just for people who suffer from multiple sclerosis and their close ones.

This film is for everybody. Come, let us be together. Come, so we can see and feel your support.

Come, so you may find out more about a diagnosis which dooms thousands of people to a life of fear, depression and rejection, because of ignorance and misunderstanding. It may be hard for you to watch on screen people whose condition has deteriorated to the point when they are not able to move, feed themselves, wash their face, brush their teeth, people who talk with difficulty, people who are losing everything…

Yes, this is a horrible diagnosis.

I would not spare you anything, because that does not help.

I was also horrified 10 years ago.

Some time passed before I realized, it is not watching other people with MS that is horrible.

What is horrible is seeing what is happening to your body and doing nothing about it. Fear itself is horrible. Hiding is horrible, firstly because you do not understand and accept your own self, and then because others start to reject you. It is horrible to wallow in self-pity and to wish for everything to change, except you. I said this based on my personal experience and everything I have been through. It was certainly not easy in the beginning…

It was not easy at all.

I woke up this morning thinking about my neurologist, Dr. Petrova. Somehow, it was like opening an audio recording of my entire conversation with her from 10 years ago, just after my diagnosis had been confirmed.

Once again, I heard what she said back then, and now, with a bowed head, a hand on my heart and tears in my eyes, I would like to say:

“Thank you, Dr. Petrova! Thank you for telling me the truth and not hiding anything from me! Thank you for saying a few words which to this very day ring true whenever I am in need: “This is your body and you decide what to do with it!” Precious, isn’t it? Thank you for not throwing me out of your office after hearing what I planned to do. Thank you for encouraging me to share everything I do and how I feel. Thank you for being the one to call and check how I was doing every time I left to chase the horizon, heading for India to heal myself through Ayurveda. Thank you, because things might not have turned out the way they did…”

Indeed, things could have turned out very differently. I could have ended up in a wheelchair by now. But this is an entirely different topic…

Anyway, I think all of us need to be shocked. We need to think about this before it happens and act before it is too late. This is real prevention.

As Judy Graham, a character in the film, said: “If we didn’t witness this horror, we wouldn’t be as motivated.”

Do not be afraid.

There are far more terrible things. It is definitely far more terrible if there is nobody to tell you all these things you will see and learn by watching the film and taking part in the meetings that follow.

Surely, things might be a lot scarier and a lot worse. However, when you are informed, when you make responsible and sound decisions about your own well-being, far less harm will come to you than if you leave it to someone else.

Just stop wasting time.

Multiple sclerosis affects more and more people.

Most of them are quite young. Really young. Children…

Come and watch together a real, earnest and truly touching film where the wonderful Many Special (MS), wonderful people share personal stories.

Specialists tell stories about official medical therapies that do not get the necessary funding for research, trials needed for legalization, simply because there is not enough profit.

You will learn facts and figures which will help you get a clear picture of the relationship between doctors, MS patient organizations and the pharmaceutical industry. You may not be surprised that these facts and figures are not at all in favor of those diagnosed.

Yes, this is a prevention film.

We forge our own health through understanding, discipline, routine, diet, sport…

Health is not attained through medication. As Matt Embry says: “If you are reading about the next wonder pill, you are done!”

“Food and lifestyle ruin health. Food and lifestyle can help you become healthy and lively again.” This is something you will hear Dr. Terry Wahls say about her journey honestly and with tears in her eyes. She is also a character in the film and I have written about her here many times before.

Most people swim with the current.

Embry is against the current.

So is Judy Graham.

So is Terry Wahls.

So is Prof. Jelinek.

So are many others.

I am in the same boat, and this makes my happiness meaningful.

We are going to keep rowing together, so that we can reach more people.

Because Matt says something that I have been saying for a long time: “If we can spread the message and change somebody’s life, we have to do it.”

I embrace you,

See you soon, Bilyana

More information about screenings:  https://www.facebook.com/mogasam.org/

You can register for free using the following links:

– Sofia, May 26th, 14:00. – https://bit.ly/2FamzL9
– Sofia May 26th, 17:00. – https://bit.ly/2HmJpVH
– Sofia, meeting with Matt, May 27th, 10:00. – https://bit.ly/2HRSrJL
– Plovdiv, May 28th, 18:30 – https://bit.ly/2qZNofS




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